I am a judgment broker who writes a lot. This article is my opinion about my recent experience with, and my review of Auto Cash Bot.
Like most business people, I sometimes investigate new ways to better my business. I try to stay away from robots and scams. I write the old-fashioned way. I work on my web site, write articles, participate in forums, work on my blog, offer excellent customer service, etc.
Like most people, when I hear about the newest and greatest thing on the web to help, I remain skeptical. Several friends told me about Auto Cash Bot, and said that it was real, the newest thing, and “it was automatic marketing on steroids”. The problem was that it was brand new.
Like most people, I used Google to search every which way for “Auto Cash Bot”, searching for reviews and scam warnings. I was surprised to find only glowing reviews. Page after page, and not a single complaint. I figured either the product was very good, or they were very good at marketing. The bottom line is I thought there was something good about them – so I went to their web site.
Like many “sales” web sites, they have only web videos to explain their product, do not have a FAQ, and do not tell you what you really want to know. They started by saying good stuff, and that their amazing product costs about $400 or so, plus about $50 per month. However, if you order RIGHT NOW, you can get it for $197, with no monthly charges. What you see in their videos and signup page text, described cash payouts, and the best kind of automatic traffic to your web site.
After you sign up, they do not mention web site marketing any more, and stick to how you can make big money by persuading others to buy Auto Cash Bot. Selling did not interest me, so I felt a bit ripped off at first.
Their web site hints that there was software to download – partly because it had a “we are PC/Mac compatible” notice. Where you order from is a software-selling kind of external web site. I learned for the purchaser, Auto Cash Bot is only a web site. One good thing is you just set it and forget it. You enter your information once and you are good to go.
I emailed them about several things, and they were very responsive and wrote “don’t worry, my domain name was in their system, and the massive hits and results for my business were going to show up in a few days, and there are no refunds”. If their product was a total fake, I would not easily accept that, however their product does do something.
They send you many emails, mostly about how you can make money recruiting others. This is what I learned about their web marketing product, because I had no interest in selling their service:
When you ask them and ask, they write they “promote your site all over the internet”. I think the web hits they get you are real. However, they are very low quality hits – either robots or people that stay on your web site for less than 3 seconds.
Their support department says they “do not use robots”. I think one thousand hits is nice, one actual lead or sale is so much nicer. I do not think their product is good enough for me.
They are deeply involved with Sokule. Sokule looks interesting, however to get good results, you must pay them $9.95 a month or more. I was not interested in paying for it, do not have time for it, and it also had MLM referrals, so I decided not to take advantage of it.
I mention Sokule because Auto Cash Bot strongly recommends them, and pushes you to join them, and gives you free points there. In my limited time at Sokule.com, they had all kinds of strangers following me – but again, no actual leads or sales.
In summary, if you are looking for a MLM selling opportunity, or want to pay for a premium membership at Sokule, maybe Auto Cash Bot is right for you. If you are looking for quality hits to your web site, then I recommend you pay a search engine, improve your web site, write articles, have a good blog, etc.
After this article was first written, the web robots hitting JudgmentBuy’s web site from my Autocashbot account stopped, and that is ok with me.