
Dirt Or Gold Judgments

August 11, 2023


Judgments and leads can be dirt or gold, depending on who the judgment debtor is, and also how well you screen the judgment creditors. If you sell or refer raw leads using only court records, there is very little chance of an average lead paying you much money.

One of many judgment articles: I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this article is my opinion, please consult with a lawyer if you need legal advice.

If you communicate with creditors; confirm they want their judgment recovered, and that they know they must share any possible recovery, and that their debtor is known, and not poor or bankrupt. If all these tests are passed, the judgment lead may pay off.

You can sell average judgment leads, the choices are pennies on the dollar per raw lead, or about 5% of what might be eventually recovered in the future.

If the creditor thinks their judgment is guaranteed, or they can sell their average judgment for 50 cents on the dollar cash upfront, or does not want to share any portion of what may be recovered over time; they will almost never get any money for their judgment.

Do not fall into the trap of waiting forever, waiting to find giant judgments against rich debtors with massive available assets showing. These are almost as rare as four-leaf clovers.

A $3,000 judgment against a solid debtor with a job and a bank account is more valuable than a million dollar judgment against a homeless old man with nothing, or a long dead company with no alter-ego possibilities.

A raw lead is often worth zero. Many unenlightened people send judgment inquiries to hundreds of people/companies the same day, and their judgments to dozens of people at almost the same time. Most people will not respond after you email or voicemail them, in response to their inquiry.

If you communicate with the judgment owners; many will say they are interested and will follow up, however few of them do. And, of the ones that do followup, many send a copy of their judgment; however nothing about their judgment debtor, or the reverse. (A judgment without information on the judgment debtor is about as useful as a car with no steering wheel.)

Of course, if the judgment debtor has a very unique name, perhaps only a copy of the judgment is needed. If the debtor cannot be found, the lead is worthless.

If you wish to contact each judgment lead ten times, that is your business. I believe that people who start out being unresponsive often remain unresponsive over the long term.

To run a successful judgment lead finder or a judgment recovery company, you must screen creditors to make good money. If you are going to outsource judgments, you need to learn how to properly handle raw judgment leads.

Screening does not mean looking creditors up on Google or any data services. Screening means to check the beliefs and attitudes the creditors have about their judgment situations.

In my experience, you cannot fix what is broken, you can only fix what your responses are. It is better to spend your time on the people who are responsive and reasonable, than to try to change people who have a bad attitude, seem clueless, or are unresponsive.

The goal is to stay friendly, and let the creditor know you are (or you know) the best real judgment solution, and they can contact you anytime they are ready.

Contact Us

Email *
Phone *
In what state does your debtor reside in? *
Please estimate the original amount of your judgment. *
Any additional information you think might help us?
Please upload a copy of your judgment if available
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