Future Payment Judgment Recovery

August 11, 2023

When people first look at their judgments, they like reading the part which states that someone owes them both money and interest; and those words sure make judgments look valuable. While there are some exceptions, usually winning the judgment is the easy part.

Recovering money from a judgment is often an expensive, time consuming, and/or a very disappointing experience. Many people begin their judgment recovery adventure by attempting to recover their own judgments; and often then discover how expensive and complex such attempts are. After that, most look for an outsourcing solution, and usually begin by persistently attempting to sell their judgment for cash upfront.

This article is my opinion, and not legal advice. I am a judgment broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. Because of the economy, debtor-friendly laws, and court funding problems; the cash upfront value of most judgments are usually just a tiny fraction of their face value.

At first, most people with non-perfect (old, poor, imprisoned, and/or disabled) judgment debtors do not accept that their judgments are not worth much cash upfront. Most work hard to shop their judgments, or list them at some Judgment Marketplace site for months; and get only very low offers, and/or no serious offers or responses.

Such copycat judgment listing sites let judgment creditors dream of imaginary prices, compared to Judgmentbuy (where we tell you the truth). The cash value of a judgment is always somewhat unknown because a debtor can file for bankruptcy; and that is one big reason cash upfront offers are often low. Some people eventually realize that a contingency future payment recovery attempt is their best chance for trying to recover any money from their judgment.

Future-payment contingency judgment recovery, is where you have someone else attempt to recover your judgment; and then pay you, after any money is recovered. Often, you must assign your judgment to someone; however if you use a judgment broker, often you do not have to assign your judgment. Usually, you do not have to pay anything upfront, and get paid at least half (on smaller or somewhat difficult judgments, the average is 50%) of whatever is recovered. On larger, easier-to-recover judgments, you might get 2/3 of what is recovered. Recovering anything on your judgment is a big win.

Selling a judgment for cash upfront (for more than pennies on the dollar) is almost impossible or very difficult (unless your judgment debtor has available assets far more than the amount of your judgment), because of the economy and other factors.

With a future-payment judgment recovery solution, you outsource all the time, costs, and hassle of recovering your judgment. Once you have a future-payment recovery expert recovering your judgment; you no longer spend any time or money on it. You can then move onto other less frustrating things.

Because future payment judgment recovery experts only make money if you get paid, they have every incentive to try to recover your judgment. There is very little risk of any shenanigans. One reason is that all judgment recovery actions are documented at the courthouse. Another reason is that judgment or debt recovery professionals almost never risk their reputations and businesses, or expose themselves to getting sued; for not doing the right thing. The most important difference with JudgmentBuy is that only we know the best judgment enforcers and buyers, because we know their long-term performance records.

The most important factor in cash upfront judgment pricing, or for future payment recovery success; is your judgment debtor’s circumstance. The second most important factor is finding either the right judgment buyer or future-payment contingency judgment recovery expert. The judgment buying companies that advertise the most, are much less responsive than the judgment buyers or judgment enforcers referred by JudgmentBuy.

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