
I need a copy of Insurance

August 11, 2023

Q: What is the paperwork I need to sign – and can you also provide a copy of your liability insurance, or any other info?

A: JudgmentBuy has no ownership of any judgments and does not enforce judgments. Judgment enforcers will send you their paperwork. Most JEs are not collection agencies or lawyers. Judgment enforcers have to appear in court as a person – not a company. There is no business insurance the average judgment enforcer could buy – because judgment enforcers personally enforce judgments they own. (Some have Errors and Omission insurance required by the data services they subscribe to.)

And when you assign your judgment to a judgment enforcer, you are no longer legally allowed to enforce the judgment. As long as you avoid contact with the debtor, and do not take any enforcement actions, how could you be liable for any enforcement-related actions? We do not see a way.

When JudgmentBuy refers you to a contingency collections lawyer, the lawyer will be a member of at least one state bar, which assures you of their reputation. See our National Lawyer State Bar List.

Contact Us

Email *
Phone *
In what state does your debtor reside in? *
Please estimate the original amount of your judgment. *
Any additional information you think might help us?
Please upload a copy of your judgment if available
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