
Why is my LLC debtor a problem?

Q: I have a judgment (10K) against an LLC. You told me it might take years for you to enforce, if at all. Other enforcement companies I talked to said they can enforce this really quickly. Why would it take you so long? Q: Other judgment enforcers are a lot more optimistic than you. Why […]

Why do you need toknow about my debtor?

Q. Why do you need to know about the debtor? Another judgment company just took my judgment (and did nothing). They didn’t ask me any questions like you did. A: Because we want you to quickly get money back from your judgment. When we refer you to a professional, having the right information at the […]

Why didn’t they keep telling me?

Q: The judgment enforcer told me they got a first check from the debtor by finding his job, why didn’t they email me each time they got a check? A: No news is good news in situations like this. Judgment Enforcers (JEs) carefully track what money comes in – but there is always a chance […]

Why did it Cost so muchto Enforce my Judgment?

Enforcing judgments is sometimes complex and expensive. Judgment Enforcers try to both minimize costs – and to get the debtor to pay the all costs. When the situation or debtor are difficult – costs can go up. Sometimes court and enforcement-related expenses (all very carefully tracked and counted) might cut into everyone’s profit. Judgment Enforcers […]

Why did I get a 1099?

Q: I thought the debtor paid the judgment enforcer, so why did I get a 1099? A: We are not layers or tax experts, here is our opinion: Debtors that are companies, sometimes send a 1099 tax form for the total they paid, to everyone involved with the enforcement of your judgment. They often send […]

Why Bank Levies Fail

I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment Broker. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. What if you know for sure where a judgment debtor banks, then pay a Sheriff to levy their bank account, and the bank responds with “no funds” or “account […]

Who Owns Your Judgment?

What are your options when you have assigned your judgment to a judgment enforcer who has not made any progress and stops responding to you? What if you then visited the courthouse and found out they never filed your assignment of judgment with the court? Are you free to find another enforcer, or attempt to […]

Who Owns That House?

What if your judgment debtor lives in the house of their deceased parent that seemed to own the house your debtor lives in? What if you cannot find any probate records, and the house is still in their parent’s name? One of many judgment articles: I am a judgment broker, not a lawyer, and this […]

Who Judgment Enforcers Cannot Help

A general rule about judgment recovery is that judgments are often expensive and difficult to recover, and everything depends on the judgment debtor’s situation. In this article, I list some other reasons why some judgments may never get recovered. As a judgment broker, I match judgment owners with judgment buyers, recovery experts, collection agencies, and […]

Who decides to Settle with the Debtor?

Q: Who decides whether to settle for a lesser amount than the full judgment value? A: The Judgment Enforcer does – if they own the judgment.   Like you, they want to get as much as they possibly can from the debtor. JEs often (sometimes eventually) recover the full value – or close to the […]